Thursday, April 1, 2021

Arkham Knight Riddler Final Exam

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  • [GET] Arkham Knight Riddler Final Exam

    Return once again to the Orphanage and enter the last room marked Final Exam. In the room beyond the key, you'll spot a lazer coming from the ceiling and rows of green panels with generators along the walls. Final Riddler Mission What Gadget...
  • [FREE] Arkham Knight Riddler Final Exam | HOT

    You will also need to further manipulate pulling panels by having Catwoman climb over the ceiling and stand on a panel to lock it in place. To start, have Catwoman stand on a panel adjacent to the one with a lazer, and make sure that a hole is on...
  • Batman Arkham Knight Riddler's Final Exam Puzzle Room 4 Solution

    Arkham Knight History Jane Doe. Anne Carver. When she meets Warren in Arkham Asylum, he tries to bribe her to transfer him to a minimum security prison due to the abuse he is taking from the other inmates. However, he is unaware that his psychiatrist is Jane Doe. She had already destroyed Dr. Carver's paperwork and half-heartedly agrees to Warren's demands.
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    During this time, Jeremiah Arkham the second Black Mask knows about Jane's activities and orders her to drive Warren even more insane. Jeremiah's reasoning for this is later revealed that he lost his pension due to Warren's corrupt business practices at his brokerage firm. Jane would eventually capture Warren and place him in Mr. Freeze's subzero temperature cell and locks it to ensure that he won't escape. Related Searches.
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    Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Be sure to like and subscribe for more gameplay videos. All rights reserved. Dear website users! Please disable the ad blocker! Together with advertising, your blocker blocks some part of the site. Also, advertising is the only livelihood of the site. This site uses cookies to authenticate, track access session status, store personal preferences and user settings. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to the use of cookies Privacy policy.
  • Batman Arkham Knight - Riddler's Revenge Challenge 10 - Final Exam

    So, after jumping through innumerable hoops to rescue Catwoman, I'm on the 'Final Exam' room. Move the empty spaces in the grid around by using the electromagnets, and Catwoman to weigh down select tiles. Then jump her to the ceiling to avoid buzzsaw-sweeps. Easy as pie! Except for the bit where you do the last of the three stages two lasers in the bottom row , and then nothing happens. No buzzsaw-sweep, no commentary from The Riddler, no key unlocked. The last two lights on the big key-display remain dark. The two lasers have both turned green. Nothing happens. I checked a video run-through for that part. I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to.
  • What Gadget Do You Need For The Final Riddler Mission?

    The lights are supposed to light up, the buzzsaws are supposed to sweep, the key is supposed to unlock. It doesn't happen. I've reloaded my save twice. It keeps happening. Please tell me there's a work-around. I've waited nearly a year for this mess to get patched up to a workable condition, so if there's STILL showstopper bugs in it, I'm going to demand a refund and never, ever go near another Rocksteady HAH!
  • Batman Arkham Knight Riddler’s Revenge Guide – Puzzle Solutions, Cave Challenges

    Batman and Catwoman on third pad Catwoman on third pad Batman and Catwoman on first pad After successfully guiding the spark to the end of the pipe, the Riddler pad that was unlit before will light up and you'll be able to step on it as Batman. When you do, the electrified floor will deactivate, allowing Catwoman to approach the key container. When she does, a swarm of Riddler bots will emerge from the walls. Unlike the previous ones, these are colour coded to show which character can attack them safely blue for Batman, red for Catwoman. Remember that counters won't work against the opposing colour robots, so focus on your dodges to avoid their attacks. In the inital wave there will only be one blue Riddler bot, so you should be able to easily dodge him while disposing of the others, bringing in the bat to deal the final blow.
  • Batman: Arkham Knight Riddler Guide

    The second wave has four reds and two blues, so take control of Catwoman again to engage them. If you manage to string enough hits together, you'll be able to perform a team combo to instantly take a bot out. Once the mechanical minions are disposed of, retrieve the key from the container with Catwoman to move a step closer towards the end of this sidequest chain. As usual on the way down the Riddler will mock you and insult your intelligence. When the elevator stops, you'll find yourself facing a massive circular drain full of water. Riddler will demonstrate what you need to do in order to complete this challenge by lowering the water level and removing the bollards blocking the drain.
  • Batman Arkham Knight - Riddlers Revenge Quest Trial (10/10) Final Exam تروفي

    This will reveal the first puzzle solving area. Remain inside the Batmobile, activate battle mode to spin yourself around and use the Power Winch on the grab point overhead. The idea here is to rappel down the side of the drain in the Batmobile avoiding the whirling blades and then spin the tyres of the Batmobile left or right using the movement controls to move the spinning rings on the wall of the drain so that you end up with the ones marked 'reserved' with a bat symbol are locked into place underneath you. Once in place, they will automatically slide into place and not move further into the blades, so don't worry about that.
  • Batman Arkham Knight Final Exam Equipment:

    Now that the first ring is locked, drive the Batmobile back up the wall and eject Batman out onto solid ground. From the top of the drain, you should be able to see a circular opening ringed in green on the far side of the drain. Glide across the gap into the hole on the opposite side and stand on the pressure plate to lower the water further, revealing the second ring. Return to the top of the drain and look at the areas to the left and right to spot the numbers two and three underneath grab points. The ring you just completed was number one, so drive the Batmobile over to the grab point next to the number two. This time you'll need to rappel further down to the second ring and move it further, but overall it is the same process. Before winching yourself up however, turn the turret to look at the newly appeared circular entrance across from you. You'll see it is blocked by a cracked wall you can blast away with a single cannon shot. Once again, grind your way back up the wall and exit the Batmobile.
  • The Final Exam

    This time however, there is a hazard inside the hole on the far wall. An electric floor will be set up just inside. While the electric plate isn't instantly lethal, it will damage you making the upcoming fight harder to survive. When you step onto the pressure plate, Riddler bots will spawn from the electric floor area and attack. Thankfully they are all Batman's colour, meaning you can freely bash the ever-loving crap out of them without getting shocked. The downside is the area is small and the electric floor is still active, so your attacks may move you onto it. Be very careful about this as the cheap damage can make you lose the fight.
  • Category: Final Exam Dp

    Once the Riddler bots are scrap, the electric panels will deactivate making it easy to reach the egress. Grapple back up to the top of the drain yet again. This time, you will need to do some prep work before you can use grab point number three. Move the Batmobile over to grab point two and rotate the ring so that the path over at point three is clear you should be able to rotate the turret to check. Once it is, roll back up the wall and attach yourself to point three. Power Winch down three and move the wall to open the final hole. Bring the Batmobile back up yet again and glide across into the hole. Pressing the panel will spawn two sentry turrets at the entrance of this hole. Remote control the Batmobile to take them out or take one out so you can hack the other. Finally, glide down to the bottom of the now free of water drain to stand on a pressure pad. As usual you'll have to work out a board to reveal the key Catwoman should take in the orphanage.
  • Final Riddler Mission What Gadget SPOILERS

    Phew, that puzzle was very aptly named. Pinkney Orphanage - Advanced Deathtraps Return to the orphanage and meet up with Catwoman in the usual place on the tiled floor. After a brief chat approach the lit door to the new room and tromp inside. To begin with, Batman will need to stand on a pressure switch in the corner of the room. Swap to Catwoman and use her ceiling climb ability to move through the now open gap into the next room and stand on this pressure plate. For this puzzle, the entire floor looks electrified, but a path for each character is safe.
  • Batman: Arkham Knight Riddler Final Exam Guide

    On the opposite wall for each is a set of light-bulbs that display the safe path for the other character. As a character progresses, the lights on their wall will light up more, revealing more of the path for the other character. This puzzle is a matter of following the path and swapping between characters to reveal more of the path. Partway through the lights showing the path will spin, which is more of an annoyance than anything. Once they are both done, the wall will drop and there will be bots to fight. Once they are gone, a key will show up for Catwoman. Ranelagh Ferry Terminal - Condamned Race time. Good luck. You are going to need it. Well, I suppose I can elaborate a bit. This is the culmination of all of your driving skills. The track is difficult and you are given just a little bit over enough time to get through so you can stuff up a total of once and still pass.
  • Riddler Final Exam Door Wont Open

    One of the key things to spot here is the colour differentiation between certain Riddler objects. The whirling blades can have three colours, red, a blue green and a more vibrant green. Keep this in mind as you rumble around the track. The course will also as expected get progressively harder with the final lap being the worst.
  • How To Beat Arkham Knight’s Trickiest Batmobile Race

    In the final lap, the Riddler will take control of his devices which makes no difference really as the hazard movements are timed not random. However the deathtraps become much more dangerous and harder to avoid. I hope you've refined your driving skills to a razor edge as you are going to need them to defeat this 'riddle. How is this a riddle anyway? Pinkney Orphanage - Final Exam Notes for this: Catwoman can climb via the roof into the pit and step on the boxes pressure pads on the boxes to stop them from moving.
  • Batman Arkham Knight – Riddler’s Revenge Quest Trial (10/10) Final Exam

    Boxes can be pushed or pulled by shooting them with the REC gun. The goal is to move the gaps into position underneath the lasers that appear. Blades will come at you after each completed puzzle. Stand where there is no blade and she will duck underneath the pole. It is safe for Catwoman to drop down into a gap when the blades move, to avoid being hit by blades with no effort. Blades will move along the pole after the second is completed thus changing which rows are safe for Catwoman to stand on. After the third, the blades will not stop moving but will continue to slice across the whole room, the exit is on the roof where you came in from.
  • Cannot Do Final Exam? The Riddler Says "not Yet" :: Batman™: Arkham Knight General Discussions

    Assuming lasers and gaps are in same position each time. Pinkney Orphanage - Riddler Boss Battle After you re-enter the orphanage with your completed riddles, approach the podium with a question mark to begin the final fight against the riddler. After the customary mocking you expect from the Riddler, the energy cube around him will vanish and a swarm of riddler-bots will emerge from the ground of the arena. Initially the bots will all be set to the blue colour allowing you to attack them freely. However, Riddler has a few little surprises to make the fight more difficult: Smackdown - When you get very close to the Riddler, he will join his large robot's fists together and slam them down towards you, dealing significant damage. Avoid getting too close or quickly dodge away to avoid this. Optic laser - Riddler will pull back his large robot's arm for half a second and then thrust it forward, firing a large green beam in a line from where he is facing.
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    Deals significant damage. Dodge to the side to avoid this attack. Colour change beam - This is the real kick in the teeth attack. This swaps his smaller riddler-bots colours from red to blue or from blue to red. Thus making life rather complicated for you. In the beginning things will be fine, until he begins using his colour change beam liberally on his minions. The idea here is to get rid of all the blue ones you can ignoring and avoiding the red riddler-bots until only red ones remain. This will trigger the appearance of Catwoman, allowing you to continue the fight. Quickly tear through the remaining bots until only the Riddler remains. When all the lesser bots are destroyed, the Riddler will hunch down and begin summoning additional riddler-bots.
  • What Gadget Am I Missing? *spoilers*

    Use this time to observe the colour of the screen in front of the Riddler and attack him in the face with the relevant character blue for Batman, red for Catwoman. After taking about a third of his health in damage, he will stand up again and a second wave will appear. Continue the alternating character beatings and team takedowns until the Riddler is alone once again, then check the screen and beat his face. This will repeat for a third time before his health is finally exhausted and you can bring an end to his fiendish plans riddles? I'll show you riddles, damn you!
  • Batman Arkham Knight Riddler Final Exam

    Check by the main desk in the Evidence Room to find this inside a case. Urbarail bridge near GCPD Lockup Northeast of the GCPD Lockup, find this bridge with a video advertising board on it, then grapple up to the bridge platform and look in the nearby control room to find this. Hit the Riddler switch with your Batarang to step inside, then use the Batmobile's remote function and winch to move the walls out of your way. Kord Industries This is found in the central part of the Kord Industries plaza. Look up to find a destructible wall, and blast it away with the Batmobile's cannon.
  • RIDDLER "FINAL EXAM" :: Batman™: Arkham Knight General Discussions

    Use the Batclaw to grab the trophy hanging on the other side. Kord Industries On the eastern tower of the Kord plaza is another trophy, but you'll have to travel to Miagani Island to free it from its cage. Drive to the bridge on the southern end to find a panel you can charge up with the Batmobile's winch. This will start a timer on the trophy's cage. Floor it back to Bleake Island, then launch yourself and grapple up to the trophy before time expires. Back to main menu Panessa Studios Get on to the roof of Panessa Studios proper, then either drop through the broken skylights or head down the stairs from the helipad to enter an interior corridor, before crouching through the open vent to enter a backstage area where this trophy waits.
  • Batman: Arkham Knight [Knightmare] | Riddler's Revenge [Final Exam] - 54%

    Panessa Studios Check near the northwestern wall of the main building to find a large pressure pad. Drive the Batmobile onto this to activate some Riddler switches on the wall nearby. Shoot each one as it appears to open the lock in the center, then grab the trophy using your Batclaw. Panessa Studios This is smack dab in the middle of the parking lot, atop a tower lined with Riddler switches.
  • Riddler's Final Exam - BUGGED?!? :: Batman™: Arkham Knight General Discussions

    To get at them, you'll need to latch onto the tower base with the Batmobile's winch and rotate the glass until the windows give you access. Hit all three switches to lower the tower and free the trophy. Panessa Studios Follow the path to the studio rooftop - the same one you used when you first got the Batmobile's winch. Once up here, activate the Forensic Scanner near the green panel. This will make Riddler symbols appear on the ground. Follow them as they appear to be led through a sewer to the canal at Dixon Dock West. Look up to spot another panel under an overpass.
  • Final Exam Riddler Walkthrough

    Blast this open and use the Batclaw to fetch the trophy inside. Back to main menu Panessa Studios Check the studio rooftop for a Riddler bot standing near two switches. Use the Voice Synthesizer to order him onto one switch, then step on the other to free the trophy up for the Batclaw. Panessa Studios Check the back wall of the northernmost building on the lot to find a weak spot. Blow through it then grapple into the alcove to find this.
  • For The Riddle In The Final Exam Room

    Panessa Studios Check the roof of the same building for another weak spot. You'll have to navigate the Batmobile up here to blow up this one, though: use the same course as when you first receive the winch during the story. Panessa Studios Now check the rooftop nearest Merchant Bridge. There's a spot to jack in the Batmobile's winch and charge up via the engine. Do this to create a new waypoint a good distance away. A timer starts, so gun it to this new location in Chinatown and quickly grapple to the marked rooftop to grab the trophy before it gets locked away again.
  • Final Exam Dp

    Panessa Studios Check by the ledge at the northern end of the lighthouse hill to find this in a little shed. Back to main menu Panessa Studios Just south of the lighthouse is one of Riddler's puzzles. This one is a bit tricky. First, use the Batmobile winch to pull out a concrete slat. Hop out, apply some Explosive Gel, hop back in, and return the slat to its original position. Detonate the gel to destroy a pump inside, clearing out the harmful steam at the end of tunnel.
  • Arkham Knight Riddler Casino Puzzle

    Now pull the slat back out of the way, and do a running slide through the small opening, past the shut-off valves, and into the container. The trophy is all yours! Panessa Studios Just south of the previous trophy is another puzzle, down in a ditch. This one works a bit like pinball. Use the winch to pull back and release the block to launch the trophy ball. A few launches will get it into the prize slot, where you can pick it up. Merchant Bridge There's a small building below Merchant Bridge. Drop down to find a trophy by a beach chair on the roof. Falcone Shipping Antenna Check the southern edge of the facility to find another puzzle. Use the Batmobile winch to pull the train forward, taking it off a grate. Head back there and slip into the grate to find a trophy underneath. Warehouse near Mercy Bridge Check just on the east side of the Bleake Island side to find a Riddler puzzle inside a warehouse. This is one is kinda tough.
  • Batman: Arkham Knight Riddler Final Exam Guide

    First use the Batmobile winch to pull down the wall of questions marks. Next, you need to shoot each one as it passes under the rings along the wall. It may take a few tries - make sure you hit the center mark last - but doing so will net you another trophy. Back to main menu Near Ace Chemical Bridge There's a weak wall just a bit higher up from the warehouse you just entered. Bust through with the Batmobile's cannon to find this on the other side. Grapple up there to find a Riddler bot, a cage, and an electrified floor. Use the Voice Synthesizer to command the bot across the floor, bringing the trophy to you.

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