Thursday, April 1, 2021

Biblical Trivia Questions And Answers

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  • Hard Bible Trivia Questions And Answers – Holy Bible Quiz

    When the body touched Elisha's bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet. Who could ever achieve this? Answer: David David is approaching the giant. The giant is taunting him. Oh boy, he's saying he's going to feed David to the birds and animals. David, always so headstrong, has just said the birds and animals will have the giant instead. Look, the boy is pulling a rock out of his pouch. He's putting it in his sling and swinging it. The giant is just standing there waiting for the attack! David's releasing the stone. Oh my, it's flying straight for the giant's head! The giant is dizzy now The boy has taken down the giant! Come and Join Us!
  • Bible Oddities Trivia Questions & Answers : Something In Common

    Question by author j-zilch. However, only one of the women is identified by name in Scripture 1 Kings Who was she? Answer: Naamah The correct answer is Namaah. Not much is known about her, however, as she is mentioned in passing reference. She is described as an Ammonitess in 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles and Christiananswers. The same Web site reports Namaah means 'the beautiful'. There is a second woman known as Namaah in Scripture. The other woman was the daughter of Lamech and Zillah, as per Genesis What had caused the man to act this way? Answer: He had a demonic spirit living in his body The demon-possessed man had suffered from childhood. Jesus' disciples had been unable to help, and later, they asked Jesus why.
  • Bible Trivia Quiz

    According to the King James Version, in the very last verse of this passage He responded, "This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Many Christians believe that all people are born with a measure of faith as indicated in the last part of Romans " Perhaps he had some small amount of faith already, but perceived his need for more. Question by author logcrawler. When Baal did not deliver, which prophet in I Kings 18 suggested that Baal was perhaps "relieving" himself? Answer: Elijah Elijah was tired of having the people of Israel torn between the Lord and Baal and so suggested this showdown. Each was to prepare a sacrifice and the true God would set the sacrifice on fire. Elijah offered other theories for Baal's no-show, including musing, being on a journey or being asleep. From Quiz: Humor in the Bible click to play it. Question by author albinerhawk. In 2 Samuel, the Bible describes a battle where there was "a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number.
  • 45 Bible Quiz Questions And Answers: Old And New Testaments

    Answer: Gath In 2 Samuel , we hear about this "giant man" who had been born with twelve fingers and twelve toes. Our "digitally enhanced" man defied Israel, and was thus slain by Jonathan, son of Shime'e-ah, and nephew of David. From Quiz: Bizarre Bible click to play it. Question by author thegogga. Two prophets were walking along chatting, when suddenly chariots and horses of fire appeared and one of them was majestically taken up to heaven. What form of transportation was used for the prophet's flight? Answer: a whirlwind 2 Kings 2: gives Elisha's account of Elijah's journey up to heaven. He said that as they were walking along, chariots and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them and Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind as he stood there and watched in awe.
  • Bible Trivia Questions (and Answers)

    Question by author jesusyes. Ralph Wiggum Ralph Malph Roy Rogers 9 According to the book of Daniel, a boastful king who had no regard for God was made to look and behave like an animal. What is the name of the king who experienced this extraordinary humiliation? Answer: Nebuchadnezzar In the book of Daniel, the story of king Nebuchadnezzar's degradation is told. He was a boastful king and gave God no praise for his success, thus God allowed him to be driven from amongst man, he lived with the animals where he ate and behaved like one of them. At the end of his affliction, he regained his senses and acknowledged Him as the Most High God who is able to abase those who walk in pride.
  • Bible Trivia Questions And Answers For Kids

    Daniel 4: From Quiz: Stranger than Fiction click to play it. What other animal literally speaks to a human in the Bible? Answer: Donkey Numbers records Balaam's life saving interaction with his beast of burden. From Quiz: Shocking Bible Facts click to play it. Question by author pgapgapga. All Rights Reserved. FunTrivia is a collaborative community effort, where we are constantly updating questions to keep them accurate.
  • Bible Trivia Questions

    If you find an error, click through to the quiz link under the stated answer and then click "Report error" at the bottom of that page.
  • 300+ Interesting Bible Questions For Kids, With Answers

    You could test their knowledge of the Bible by holding a quiz competition. It could be one of the best things you could ever do for your child. Spread happiness and knowledge around you. A: Gospels of Matthew and Luke 2. A: Jesus 3. A: Seven 4. What is the 1st petition? A: Hallowed be thy name 5. What is the 2nd petition? A: Your kingdom come 6. What is the 3rd petition? A: Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven 7. What is the 4th petition? A: Give us our daily bread 8. What is the 5th petition? A: Forgive our debts 9. What is the 6th petition? A: Do not lead us into temptation What is the 7th petition? A: Deliver us from evil True or False: The more words we say, the better our prayers. The Holy Bible teaches us the values of life and the teachings of Christ.
  • 30 Christmas Bible Trivia Questions To Quiz Your Family

    A: Matthew True or False: The Bible was originally written in English? A: False In what language was most books of the Old Testament OT written? A: Hebrew In what language was most of the New Testament written? A: Greek Who wrote the most number of books in the Bible? A: Paul — he wrote 13 books. Who wrote the most number of words in the Bible? A: Moses — he wrote , words. What was most likely the first Gospel written? A: Mark What was most likely the last Gospel written? A: John What was most likely the last New Testament book written? A: The Book of Revelation True or False: The Bible is the most popular book ever written by copies sold. A: True What is the first book in the Bible? A: Genesis What is the last book in the Bible?
  • Bible Trivia - Question

    A: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Which book did Jesus directly write? A: None What is the longest book in the Bible? A: Psalms True or False: David wrote the entire book of Psalms. False: The Psalms is a collection of songs by many writers, but David contributed the most. What is the shortest book in the Bible? A: 3 John How many books does the Bible have?
  • Easter Bible Trivia Questions

    A: 66 How many books does the Old Testament have? A: 39 How many books does the New Testament have? Recall your memory. Do you know about the nine attributes of a person mentioned in the Bible? Get to know more below. Where in the Bible is the Fruit of the Holy Spirit mentioned? A: Galatians 5, Verses 22 and 23 Who wrote the Galatians? A: Paul True or False: Bananas are a fruit of the Spirit? A: False — Bananas are a gift from God but not considered spiritual fruit in Galatians 5. Name the nine Fruits of the Spirit. A: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
  • 350+ Fun Bible Trivia Questions & Answers

    The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible. Genesis means the beginning or origin. How did God scatter people across the Earth? A: God confused their languages. Who did God call out of Ur to move to Canaan? A: Abram Abraham A: Sarai Sarah Even though Abraham and Sarah were too old, what did God promise them? A: A son When God showed Abraham the stars in the sky, what did he promise? A: That Abraham would have as many descendants as the number of stars A: Hagar A: For Abraham to have a child with Hagar Who was the first son of Abraham?
  • Bible Trivia Question & Answers

    By which previous name was Paul of Tarsus known as? Whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back? In the bible, who is said to have lived on a diet of locusts and wild honey? How many years did Noah live for after the flood? There are only three angels named in the bible, Michael and Lucifer are two, name the other? The book of Esther is unique because it does not mention which word? The Bible was written in three languages - Hebrew, Koine Greek and which other language? Who made the first translation of the Bible into English in ? Name the longest book of the Bible with chapters? In what city was Jesus born? Who took the place of Judas in the twelve disciples? Who was the older brother of Moses? What kind of wood was Noah's ark built from? Who, following Moses' death, became the leader of the children of Israel?
  • Bible Quiz: 100 Biblical Quiz Questions With 4 Difficulty Levels

    A: Greek Q: Which human author wrote the most books? A: Paul wrote 13 books. Q: Which human author wrote the most words in the Bible? A: Moses wrote , words. A: Mark Q: What was most likely the last Gospel written? A: 6 Q: What day did God create man? A: 6th Q: Who was the first man? A: Adam Q: Who was the first woman? A: Eve Q: Where did they live at the beginning of the world?
  • Biblical Trivia Questions And Answers -

    A: 40 Q: How many people were saved on the ark? A: Built a tower to reach to Heaven. Q: How did God make them spread out across the earth? A: Confused their languages. Q: Who did God call out of Ur to move to Canaan? A: That Abram would have more descendants than the number of stars. A: For Abram to have a child with Hagar. Q: Who was the first son he had? A: Ishmael. A: Sarah Q: What was the second son Abraham had? A: Isaac Q: Who did Abraham have his second son with? A: Sarah Q: Where did Hagar and her son leave to? A: His oldest servant Q: Who did the servant choose? A: Jacob and Esau Q: Who was born first? A: Esau came first, with Jacob grabbing his heel. Q: How did Esau provide food for the family? A: He hunted. Q: Who did Isaac favor of his two sons? A: Esau Q: What did Jacob do most of the time? A: Stayed in the home with his mother.
  • 135+ Bible Trivia Questions [Jesus History]

    Q: What did Esau receive in exchange for his birthright? A: Some stew. Q: As Isaac was dying and blind, who suggested that Jacob should steal the blessing? A: Rebekah. Q: How did Esau respond when his birthright was taken? A: Threatened to kill Jacob. Q: When Jacob met Laban, which daughter did he want to marry? A: Rachel. Q: Who did Laban trick Jacob into marrying? A: Leah. Q: What did Laban make Jacob do to finally marry Rachel?
  • Bible Questions And Answers

    A: Work another seven years. Q: Who was the first son Jacob had with Rachel? A: Israel Q: How many brothers did Joseph have? A: 11 Q: What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked jealousy from his siblings? A: A coat of many colors. Q: What did Joseph tell his brothers about his dreams that upset them? A: The dreams said he would become greater and rule over them. Q: How did the brothers get rid of Joseph? A: Sold him to slave traders. A: They said Joseph was killed by a wild animal. Q: Where did the slave traders take Joseph?
  • + Fun Bible Trivia Questions & Answers | Thought Catalog

    Q: What did Joseph do for them? A: Interrupted their dreams. Q: Why was Joseph summoned out of prison by the Pharaoh? A: To interrupt his dream. Q: What position of power was Joseph given by the Pharaoh? A: Second in command of Egypt. A: A severe, seven-year famine. Q: Who came to Egypt that Joseph recognized because of the famine? A: His brothers. A: To bring Benjamin with them. Q: Which brother volunteered to stay in Egypt instead of Benjamin? A: Bring their families and their father to Egypt. A: Put him in a basket in the river. Q: What did Moses do after he killed an Egyptian? A: Ran away into the desert. Q: Through what did God speak to Moses in the desert? A: A burning bush Q: When Moses confronted the Pharaoh, what did his staff turn into when he threw it on the ground?
  • Bible Trivia Quiz | OverviewBible

    A: Let the Israelite slaves go free. Q: How many plagues did God send on Egypt? A: 10 Q: What was the final plague that convinced Pharaoh to let the slaves go? A: The firstborn son of all Egyptian families died. Q: When Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after the slaves, where did they meet at? A: The water crashed on them and killed them all. Q: What did God send to feed the Israelites in the desert? A: Mt. Sinai Q: What golden image did the Israelites make at Mt.
  • Bible People Trivia Questions & Answers : Religious Figures

    A: A golden calf Q: What did the spies sent into Canaan see that made them scared? A: Judges Q: Who was the woman judge who led Israel to victory? A: Deborah Q: Who was the judge who defeated the Midianites with only men using torches and horns? A: Gideon Q: Who was the judge who took a Nazarite vow from birth and fought against the Philistines? A: Delilah Q: How did Samson die? A: Pushing over the temple pillars, killing himself and many Philistines. A: Saul Q: Who anointed him king? A: The idol fell over and broke Q: When the people demanded Saul make a sacrifice to God that only priests should make, what did he do?
  • 200 Bible Trivia Questions And Their Answers

    A: Made the sacrifice anyways Q: When Saul conquered the Amalekites, what person did he keep as a prisoner instead of killing like God said to? A: David Q: What did David work as for his father? A: Goliath the giant. Q: When David wanted to fight Goliath, what did Saul try to give him? A: A witch Q: What prophet did he ask to speak to? A: Samuel Q: How did Saul die? A: Fell on his own sword Q: How many of his sons died in the same battle? A: He was killed in battle Q: What prophet came to rebuke David? A: The child died Q: When Bathsheba had another child, what did they name him? A: It got caught in a tree Q: Who killed Absalom? A: 1st and 2nd Samuel Q: Which book did David write most of? A: A temple Q: What famous queen came to visit Solomon?
  • Bible Trivia Questions + Answers (Fun Quiz For Kids & Youth)

    Joel Muniz What better way is there to celebrate the Lord than to gather with your loved ones and study His word? Grab your friends and family or print these out and bring them to your Bible study group to quiz one another and have a fun time while doing it. Our bible trivia and quiz questions are here to help you learn, speak to Him, and connect on bible knowledge. You might even learn something new! Go ahead, test your knowledge! Printable Bible Trivia Questions and Answers Take our bible quiz with these trivia questions and answers. Printable trivia questions and answers. Instant download. No email required. Trivia Question: Where was Jesus born?
  • 53 Best Bible Trivia Questions And Answers - Learn New Facts.

    With over 4, questions divided into 14 topical sections, trivia buffs will be tested on such topics as Crimes and Punishments, Military Matters, Things to Eat and Drink, and Matters of Life and Death. Answers are conveniently placed on the following page. Trivia Question: How many books are in the New Testament? Answer: 27 Trivia Question: Paul was shipwrecked on what island? Answer: The first Christian martyr Trivia Question: In 1 Corinthians, which is the greatest of the imperishable qualities? Answer: blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the killing of firstborn children. Trivia Question: Why did God send the ten plagues? Trivia Question: What is the third commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
  • 100 Bible Quiz Questions Answers – Learn More About Bible

    Answer: Five Trivia Question: Who cried after hearing a rooster crow? Answer: Are you the King of the Jews? Trivia Question: Where is the birthplace of Paul, also known as Saul? This is now located in modern-day Turkey. Answer: Sychar Trivia Question: What do you drink from to have eternal life? Answer: Nazareth Trivia Question: Who cut off the ear of the high priest? Answer: 13 Trivia Question: King Herod promised what to his daughter on his birthday? Answer: She is thrown from a window. Trivia Question: How many sons did Ahab have in Samaria? Answer: 70 Trivia Question: How many blemishes was a sacrificial beast allowed to have?
  • Easter Bible Quiz: 20 Trivia Questions

    Answer: Zero Trivia Question: If a person sinned ignorantly at the time of Moses, what happened to them? Answer: 1, silver pieces Trivia Question: In 2 Sam 14, how did the wise woman disguise herself? Answer: Ahasuerus Trivia Question: To create the plague of frogs, who stretched his rod over the waters of Egypt? Answer: Dorcas Trivia Question: Which disciple was crucified upside-down? Answer: Three times Trivia Question: What did the dove bring back that let Noah know that the water was receding? Answer: Micah Trivia Question: Who were the three men that were thrown into the fiery furnace? Answer: Two women were fighting over a child, each one claiming it was theirs; he offered to cut the baby in half and give each woman a half.
  • Bible Oddities Trivia Questions & Answers | Something In Common

    Trivia Question: How did King Solomon know which woman was the birth mother? Answer: She told him to give the other woman the baby Trivia Question: Who was the first hunter mentioned in the Bible? Answer: years old Trivia Question: Where did the ark come to rest after the flood? Answer: Trivia Question: Jesus continues to be with us through what? Answer: Through the sacraments Trivia Question: How many sacraments are there? Answer: Communion Trivia Question: What were the crimes of the two men who were crucified with Jesus? Answer: 20 Trivia Question: How many kings of Israel were there? Answer: 17 Trivia Question: How many fruits of the Spirit are there? Answer: 9 Trivia Question: What are the fruits of the Spirit? Answer: 50 pieces of silver Trivia Question: After his resurrection, to whom did Jesus appear first?
  • Bible Quiz - 30 Awesome Bible Quiz Questions

    Answer: 13 Trivia Question: What are we saved by? Answer: Things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good, virtue, and praise. Answer: The heart Samuel Trivia Question:.

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