Thursday, April 1, 2021

Science Trivia Question And Answer

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    To measure the Humidity in air, what instrument used? Hygrograph Q. Splitting of light into its constituent colors is known as what? Dispersion Q. Basically the heavy water is used by which type of industries? Nuclear Power Generation plants Q....
  • [DOWNLOAD] Science Trivia Question And Answer

    Auxanometer Q. One Horsepower 1 HP is equivalent to approximately? Which was the first satellite of India, go into the orbit? Aryabhata Q. Formation of Prothrombin Q. Frederick Sanger Q. Milk Production Q. Dewar Q. What is the radiant energy of the...
  • 48 Science Trivia Questions And Answers

    A: Dark red Q: What is the hardest known natural material? A: Diamonds Q: What are the three types of rock? A: Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic Q: The first vaccine developed was for which disease? A: Smallpox Q: What flap on your windpipe helps keep food particles out? A: Epiglottis Q: What color is a giraffe's tongue? A: Black Q: Which planet has the strongest gravity? A: Jupiter Q: How many ribs are in the human body? A: 24 Q: What are the three layers of the Earth? A: Crust, core, mantle Q: What is the hardest substance in the human body? A: Tooth enamel Q: What is the largest animal to have ever existed? A: The blue whale Q: Dolly was the first cloned animal. What type of animal was she? A: Sheep Fun Trivia Questions This section contains more general trivia questions and answers that are light-hearted and potentially very surprising!
  • Science Trivia

    A: Brown Q: What is the national animal of Scotland? A: The Unicorn Q: What was the first soft drink to be taken into space? A: Coca Cola Q: What is a cow-bison hybrid called? A: A beefalo Q: What is a puffin chick called? A: A puffling Q: What is the official state sport of Maryland? A: Q Q: What was the original purpose of the tiny pocket in jeans? A: To store pocket watches Q: What is the technical name of the " " symbol? A: Octothorpe Q: What color do bananas glow under black light? A: Blue Trivia Questions for Kids These trivia questions for kids are somewhat easier and focused more on subjects kids are interested in. Q: How many planets are in the solar system?
  • Science Trivia Questions #30

    A: 8 Q: What is the smallest breed of dog? A: Chihuahua Q: Which state is Hollywood in? A: California Q: What fruit do raisins come from? A: Grapes Q: What country are pandas from? A: Clownfish Q: What is the fastest land animal? A: Cheetah Q: What is a baby sheep called? A: Lamb Q: How many continents are there? A: 7 Q: Who was the first president of the United States? A: George Washington Q: Which country has the most people? A: Alaska Q: How many sides does a trapezoid have? A: 4 Q: What is the largest planet in the solar system? A: Jupiter Q: How many colors are in a rainbow? A: Tinkerbell Q: What color cat is considered bad luck? A: Black Q: Where were the Olympics invented? A: Greece Q: How many legs do spiders have?
  • 30 Intriguing Science Trivia Questions & Answers For A Fantastic Game Night!

    A: 8 Q: What are the only mammals that can fly? A: Bats Q: What are the names of the four Hogwarts houses? A: Bricks Q: Which country invented pizza? A: Italy Q: Whose nose grew longer every time he lied? A: Pinocchio Q: What galaxy do we live in? A: Egypt What's Next? How do you get a baby astronaut to fall asleep?
  • Science Knowledge Quiz

    Learn the answer to this and other jokes in our guide to the funniest jokes of all time. Writing a research paper for school but not sure what to write about? Our guide to research paper topics has over topics in ten categories so you can be sure to find the perfect topic for you. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! She has taught English and biology in several countries. No spam ever. See how other students and parents are navigating high school, college, and the college admissions process. Ask questions; get answers. Ask a Question Below Have any questions about this article or other topics? Ask below and we'll reply! No spam!
  • 220+ Science Trivia Questions And Answers

    Who has more hair follicles, blondes or brunettes? What is the location of Pinna in human bodies? Outer ear. What does DC stands for? Direct Current. The mountain pygmy possum. What is the age of the Sun? What happens when lightening hit the tree? The water in the tree boils up and burst up the tree. What is the name of the tallest grass of the world? What is the average height of Bamboo? Is Obsidian an igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rock? Name the country having longest coastline? What is the cause of Tsunami? Tsunami is caused by the displacement of water due to earthquake or landslide under sea. What is dust? Small particles carried by air currents. When was the first ever seismograph invented?
  • 200+ Science Trivia Questions With Answers

    Where was the first ever seismograph invented? Is the stratosphere above or below the troposphere? Extending 50km above the troposphere. What is the temperature of human body during digestion? Slightly higher than normal. Name the three smallest bones in human body? Malleus, Incus, and Stapes. What is the size of normal human body? Smaller than Neanderthal brain. Name the longest living structure on earth? The greater barrier reef, Australia. What name is given to animals and plants collectively? Name the oldest living thing known living on earth? Bristlecone Pine. What is the highest recorded surface wind speed on earth? Where was the highest speed of wind recorded? Over MT Washington. Which chemical causes the burning taste sensation when eating chilies?
  • 54 Best Science Trivia Questions And Answers – This Is The List You’ll Need.

    What is the coolest layer of atmosphere? What is the average heat of lightening? What formation on Earth can have the names tabular, blocky, wedge, dome, pinnacle, dry dock, growler or bergy bit? Name the crystalline formation in the caves? What is the function of manometer? Measuring pressure of closed system. Which planet is closest to the sun? What is the composition of sun? About 70 percent hydrogen, 28 percent helium, and 2 percent other mass. Where is the Suez Canal located? Yes, about 27 days it rotates once. What is the size of Milky Way? The mass is about billion and 1 trillion solar masses. Who was the last president of the Soviet Union? What political system was gradually dismantled in South Africa, starting in ?
  • Science & Nature

    Where is Pisa tower located? What is the age of earth? About 4. What is the age of this universe? About 15 billion years old. Which of the planet is rotating fastest? How fast Jupiter do rotates? About 1 times in under 10 hours. Where is the Pyrenees located? In between France and Spain. Where is the Golden Gate Bridge located? San Francisco.
  • Trivia Answers

    What star other than the sun is closest to the earth? What Milky Way actually is? The spiral galaxy. What bird was domesticated first? The first bird domesticated by man was the goose. What is Pisa tower known for? Because of its tilt. Science Trivia for Elementary School How many bones are there in the human body? How many bones are there in infant human body? What percentage of dust is made of human bodies? What trepanning is?
  • 100 Science Pub Quiz Questions And Answers

    Ancient medicine technique for making holes in human skull for reliving pressure. Which is most dangerous among bees, snakes, house flies, or sharks when attributed to human deaths? House flies. What do house flies carries causing human deaths? What do bile juice contains at most? Which is the chemical causing burning sensation when eating chilies? What is the temperature required for the conversion of graphite in to diamond? What is pressure required for converting graphite in to diamond? Long tube of glass marked at 0. Which of the noble gasses is having A as its first letter. White gold is an alloy of gold and white metal such as palladium or silver. Why nickel is not used for white gold? Because it cause skin allergies. The crystals of iron pyrite. What is the symbol of silver? What is the symbol of Gold? Which element can burn on the surface of water? What is Latin name of Tin? Which is the first ever element created in laboratory?
  • 79+ Science Trivia Questions With Answers

    By Megan Cutolo What weighs more, a pound of gold or a pound of feathers? You might think that this is a trick science trivia question. A pound of feathers weighs more. Gold is weighed in the troy measurement system. Therefore, when you convert them both to a uniform system, a pound of gold weighs approximately What mountain peak is farthest from the centre of the earth? However, the peak of Chimborazo in Ecuador is the farthest from the centre of the earth. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain if you measure it from base to peak, but its peak is not the furthest from the centre of the earth. For more mind-bending challenges, check out these 12 optical illusions that may break your brain. At one time, did people believe that the earth was flat? Many believe that it was in the early Middle Ages that some people said the world was flat. Advertisement How long is the memory of a goldfish? Goldfish have a classical conditioning learning procedure, meaning that when they are given food in association with another object they remember the two together — and that memory can last for days.
  • Science Fun

    How many senses do humans have? Yes, there are the basic five: touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing, but there are also multiple senses within each of the five, as well as some others. Another is the organic sense, which is the sense of your internal condition such as hunger or thirst. Want to learn more? Check out these 12 diseases doctors can actually detect through smell. Can sharks get cancer? And no, they cannot cure cancer. Unfortunately, many still believe that shark cartilage can cure cancer, leading to the killing of sharks.
  • Miscellaneous Science Trivia Questions & Answers : Sci / Tech

    Although one can say that we have explored and learned about the world, it is not enough to compare with the things that we are yet to discover. Science trivia questions and answers is one sure way we can learn more about how the world and our environment works and also make new discoveries. If you are ready to learn new things and widen your knowledge about the world around you, these science trivia questions will surely help you achieve that. These science trivia questions and answers range from easy to hard; and at the end of each question comes the answer.
  • Top 170 Best Science Quiz Questions And Answers 2021

    This compilation of science-based questions is meant for all ages, not only for knowledge acquisition but also a sure way to have fun. Where does sound travel faster; water or air? Answer: Water Sounds usually travel faster in the water when compared with air because water particles are packed more densely. Although it takes more energy to generate sound waves in water, once it is done the sound waves move faster than on air. What is the name given to planets outside our solar system? Answer: Extrasolar planets or Exoplanet An extrasolar planet is a planet that is found outside our solar system. Its planetary system is called HR system and they usually orbit a star, which is a part of their own solar system. The exoplanet was first discovered in and the evidence was further noted in Did you know that there are over confirmed exoplanets while about 6, await further confirmation?
  • You May Be A Genius If You Can Answer These 12 Science Trivia Questions People Always Get Wrong

    When was the first seismograph invented? Answer: Approximately A. The seismograph was invented by a Chinese astronomer named Chang Heng in A. How old is the universe? Answer: The Universe is at least The universe must be as old as the oldest thing that can be found in it. Hence, astrophysicists determine the age of the universe either by measuring the oldest light or taking measurements of galaxies or perhaps go hunting for stars. If you mix all light colors, do you get black, white, or a rainbow? Answer: White Technically adding all colors of light together is called color addition.
  • + Science Trivia Questions And Answers | Quiz By Triviawell

    When mixed, the light colors become light. Sunlight appears white which aids the colors of the rainbow to appear through refraction. However, in art, when mixed, these light colors will give something dark because it is oversaturated with pigment. What type of organism makes up the oldest known fossil? Answer: Blue-green algae from South Africa at 3. Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are an ancient group of photosynthetic microbes that occur in most inland waters. The Cyanobacteria said to have an extensive and oldest fossil record is from Archaean rocks of western Australia and is about 3. Answer: Bamboo. Bamboos are diverse groups of evergreen perennial flowering plants in the subfamily of Bambusoideae of the grass family, Poaceae.
  • Earth Science Trivia Questions & Answers : Sci / Tech

    Depending on the species, Bamboos can grow as tall as 4. In some parts of the world, it Bamboos can be used for scaffolding, fences, bridges, and building. Which scientist proposed the three laws of motion? Answer: Sir Isaac Newton Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist, astronomer, author, theologian, and mathematician best remembered as one of the most influential scientists of all time.
  • 100 Science Quiz Questions And Answers – Science GK

    He propounded the three laws of motion, which was introduced in his book, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica ; Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. What is the name of the planet that spins the fastest and completes one whole rotation in just 10 hours? Answer: Jupiter Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in our Solar System and it rotates at least once within 10 hours, which is very fast considering its size. This means that Jupiter will be experiencing the shortest days among all the other planets in our Solar System.
  • + Science Trivia Questions With Answers

    What is the smallest city in the world? The city is only 0. What does ATP stand for? Answer: Adenosine triphosphate, the molecule that is used for energy by all cells Adenosine triphosphate, otherwise known as ATP, is the molecule responsible for carrying energy in the cells of all living things. It absorbs chemical energy that comes from the breakdown of food molecules and further releases it to fuel cellular processes in the body.
  • BEST Trivia Questions In Ranking Order [ Edition]

    Who invented the first battery? Answer: Count Alessandro Volta The first electric battery was invented by Count Alessandro Volta, an Italian physicist, and chemist, in , and it was called voltaic pile. He stacked discs of copper Cu and zinc Zn separated by a cloth soaked in salty water, with wires connected to both ends of the stack to produce a continuously stable current. Answer: Around days In the human body, the red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, as well as bringing carbon dioxide back to the lungs. The red blood cells are usually formed in the bone marrow and are believed to have an average life span of approximately days.
  • 20 Science Questions For Your Home Pub Quiz To Put Your Friends To The Test

    What is the strongest known magnet in the Universe? Answer: Magnetar which is a form of the Neutron star A Neutron star generates the most intense magnetic field in the universe. What is the Law of Conservation of Energy? Answer: The energy of the Universe is constant; it can neither be created nor destroyed but only transferred and transformed. In chemistry and physics, the law of Conservation of Energy states that the energy of an isolated system remains constant and is said to be conserved over time. A simple example is chemical energy being converted to kinetic energy when a stick of dynamite explodes. Answer: True. When a baby is born, he has about bones and these bones eventually grow together to form bones when the baby grows into an adult. What is the scientific name of a Sydney Blue Gum? Answer: Eucalyptus Saligna Eucalyptus Saligna, also known as the Sydney blue gum or blue gum, is a species of medium-sized to tall tree that mostly grows in eastern Australia.
  • Top Best Science Quiz Questions And Answers

    They belong to the family, Myrtaceae, and its distribution is usually along the coast from New South Wales, Batemans Bay to south-eastern Queensland. Which country has the longest coastline? Answer: Canada, due to the number of northern islands. Other countries with similar coastline include China 14, km , the United States 19, km , Russia 37, km , and Indonesia 54, km. What can be measured using the Geiger counter? Answer: Radiation A Geiger counter often referred to as a Geiger-Muller tube, is a device that is used for detecting and measuring all types of radiation, including alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. It consists of a pair of electrodes that are surrounded by a gas, and these electrodes have high voltage flowing across them. What formation on Earth can have the names tabular, blocky, wedge, dome, pinnacle, dry dock, growler, or bergy bit? Answer: Icebergs An iceberg is a large piece of freshwater ice that has broken off a glacier or an ice shelf that floats in the open water, usually an ocean.
  • 65 Science Quiz For Kids Of Grades I To X

    Further disintegration of these icebergs is called bergy bits or growlers. Is a Tsunami and a tidal wave the same thing? Answer: No, because they are different and unrelated phenomena. Where are the three smallest bones in the human body? What are they called? Answer: In the middle ear. They are — Malleus, Incus, and Stapes Collectively these three smallest bones are found in the middle ear and they are also known as ossicles. For instance, if object X exerts a force on object Y, then object Y also exerts an equal and opposite force on object X. The highest wind gust ever recorded on the surface of the earth is at Mount Washington, located in New Hampshire, in the United States. On April 12, , Mount Washington Observatory staff recorded a wind speed of approximately km per hour, and this mountain has held this record for several years now. How much salt does the average human body contain? Answer: Around grams.
  • 50 Fun Trivia Questions For Kids

    The human body contains many salts, however, sodium chloride, also known as table salt, is the major one, and it makes up about 0. The body of an average adult human being contains about g of salt or roughly half of a pound. What is the phenomenon that explains why people tend to refuse to offer help when there are other people present during an emergency called?
  • 101 BEST Trivia Questions In Ranking Order [2021 Edition]

    Answer: The Bystander Effect The Bystander effect is a social psychological theory that states that individuals are less likely to help a victim maybe an accident victim or bullying when there are other people around. Although there are reasons why do so, either they are not friends or might perceive the person to be wrong or perhaps lack knowledge about the incident. Animals that are active during dawn and dusk are called what type of animals?
  • + Science Trivia Questions And Answers | Thought Catalog

    Answer: Crepuscular Dawn and Dusk are cooler times of the day and at such times, animals get the opportunity to avoid predators while still being able to source for food. Several animals are Crepuscular, including domestic cats, foxes, bats, desert rodents, deer, and skunks, among others. Which is the rarest blood type in humans? Answer: AB negative. While some blood types are rare and also in demand, the demand for AB negative blood type is quite low, hence there is no much stress finding it. What type of animal was Dolly, the first-ever living creature to be cloned?
  • 65 Science Quiz Questions For Kids With Answers Of Classes 1 To 10

    Answer: Sheep The first animal was successfully cloned from an adult cell at the Roslin Institute in Scotland. It was originally named 6LL3, however, the cloned lamb was later named Dolly the sheep, after actress and singer Dolly Parton. The joints in the human body are designed to allow bones to interface and move. Answer: Suture. Fibrous joints, otherwise known as fixed or immovable joints, are those joints that are connected by dense tissues which consist of mainly collagen.
  • Science Trivia For Kids | Kids Science Trivia | Science Fun

    They have no cavity but are linked through the fibrous connective tissue. Interestingly, the skull bones are connected by fibrous joints known as sutures.

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